Women's Styles
Iran has laws concerning dress that that everyone - without exception - is expected to obey. For females, this includes covering one’s head with a scarf, and a loose-fitting long-sleeved tunic or mantle, and full-length skirt, or pants. The fabric should not be transparent and the color of one’s clothing is not important. However, on certain religious occasions (e.g., Muharram, anniversaries of the martyrdom of religious personalities) wearing bright colors is distasteful and vis versa. Mantles come in formal, semi-formal, and casual styles that allow you to select based on the situation.
Long shawls are worn loosely draped around head and neck. Headscarves are folded into a triangle and tied or pin/clipped closed at the neck to keep closed or simply draped around (although this doesn't provide much comfort because of the concern of falling off). The makneh maybe much more comfortable for some since it is easy to slip on and doesn't require any pins or clips to keep closed. Women wear the chador for praying or entering a mosque or holy shrine and some choose to always wear a black chador outside of their home. Nowadays, scarves, shawls, maknehs, and chadors come in many styles, colors and prints to choose from.